Attract What You Want

What are your dreams and goals?     Where do you want to live?
Who do you want to be?     How do you see yourself now?
How do you see yourself as successful?
What are the differences?     What needs to change?

These are all valid questions.

How do you Attract Great Success? What does great success mean to you?
Whether it’s your health, finances or business, spiritual purpose, or having great
relationships, I believe the desire to succeed was given to us by God and we are not truly
successful without Him and His plan.The Bible says in Psalm 37:4: Delight yourself also in the Lord,
And He shall
give you the desires of your heart. (KJV)

God is so good and we are his children. He desires our success.He gives us the desire which produces the drive in us
to make the most out of this life and it keeps us striving to find that end result: our success.
He wants the best for us. Success is for this life, on this planet. We are supposed to be givers, to help others
and show them the goodness of God. Not to be boastful in ourselves, but to give glory to God.
The more success we have, the more people we can reach
to show them how much He loves them and desires great things for them.

So how do we get there from here? Obviously, if we knew how then we would have already
achieved success. So something is holding us back. We need to find out what that is and how to change it.

I believe that in order to truly succeed in our lives we must receive our God in the process.
We must connect with the almighty God that created us to find the answers we seek.
Since He created everything, it makes sense that our answers are found in
and through Him. First, our success ultimately will be found by submitting our heart
and our life to our Lord Jesus Christ. Our sacrifice by taking time to rest in His presence
and listen to His guiding voice. We put Him first and take the time to be with Him.

I believe that being successful is true worship to God. We worship Him
with our life. To be successful you are receiving every bit of faith and power from Him
and having faith that He will bring into manifestation the very success that He put
within your heart. You must have great faith to accomplish this success.

Also, we are to be givers, giving our resources that our Source has provided for us as He leads us,
to help further His desire and when we fulfill His desire, then we are successful.
God says if we give with a grateful and caring heart, then we will also receive
and everyone is in a better place. We take care of others and He will
see to it that we are taken care of as well. This is the beginning.

Thoughts and words are powerful tools in making our life what we want and
fulfilling the desires of our heart, which were given to us by God. The Bible says in
Proverbs 23:7 For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he. I believe the Christian
purpose is more than just receiving Jesus as Lord and a guaranteed eternal life in heaven.
We are meant to grow our faith while we are here. We are meant to succeed here
in every facet of our lives as an offering of worship and honor to God. The Bible says that
faith pleases God. I believe that success requires faith and faith begins by thinking thoughts
that are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous and praiseworthy (from Philippians 4:8).

Start imagining what success would look and feel like to you. Take it on like a coat,
wear success. Hold your head up high and feel you have attained it. Be the best
you can be at all times. Start by taking one step at a time. Be the person you truly want to be.
Encourage others and be quick to forgive. Trust in God and have faith in Him for all He created
is for us. Be thankful and grateful. Focus on the best of what you really want and be specific.

The Bible, in Philippians 4:8 says:
Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are
just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of
good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy
meditate on these things. (emphasis by me).

To Attract Great Success, we need to have the highest thoughts and speak words that are filled with purity, honesty,
and are of good report. We need to see ourselves happy, joyful and successful. We need to speak good of and to others, be kind,
be forgiving and take that step up to a higher plane. BE WHO YOU TRULY DESIRE TO BE:
Good, kind, loving, and giving, bringing glory to our God.

Think it, write it, speak it, see it, feel it, BE it.

Now, the journey desire for you is that YOU Attract Great Success.

Thanks be to God who gives us the Victory!