Love Attracts Success

It is amazing the things that God wants for you. He wants you to be whole. That means here on this earth, today and every day. His love for us is amazing. We are His creation, sons (and daughters), children that call the one true living God, “Father”. He is a good father, the best father, loving, kind and full of compassion. His love is everlasting and He wants for you to Attract Great Success. Success is what He is all about. He never fails. His love never fails.

God attracts success because He is love. You see He is more interested in where your heart is than in how intelligent you are. Love is eternal. God sees your heart. What is going on in your heart today? Is it filled with love? If so, then you know God. If you do not know love, then you do not know God, for He is love and I encourage you to seek Him and find His love for only then are you truly living.

When you love, you give. For so long people have been tried to figure out the magic formula to know if someone loves them, but true love is giving more than getting. God is the greatest giver ever. No one can “out give” Him. He gave His life for us. When we learn to give and focus on the giving rather than the receiving, then we are more likely to Attract Great Success. God loves us and He gave. That is our pattern. Be guided by Him. Give lovingly and He will give to you as a blessing, I believe, because He sees Himself in you.

The Bible teaches us from the Old Testament that they were to tithe and give offerings. Some people don’t like this, but it’s a powerful principle of giving. Today, we give by grace. Because God has done so much for us, we gladly give more and more. If you are a giver at heart, then you will have no problem Attracting Great Success.

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