In all of the information on meditation, religion, and spiritual living, there is a place where the mind is in a state of peace. I call it a "centered point" which is where—I imagine—you are at the middle of the cross section (perhaps representing the cross of Jesus) where you are aligned with Him and you are one with God. In this place, your heart and mind are open and receptive to the creator. In this place you are safe with Him and in a calm state of meditation and prayer. Focusing on Him and listening for His voice within you.

The Bible says that God told Joshua to meditate on His Word day and night and he would have good success. In that quiet place with God is where we find the answers we seek and the direction our life is to take. I believe that being in our centered point is the position in which we are able to hear Him and receive guidance from the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit within us. This is where you can find what thoughts need to change and then take the steps to find out how to change your thinking. Relaxing and focusing on God in a prayerful attitude is how to find your centered point. Just to know his goodness and feel His love where all things are possible.

He says in Jeremiah 29:11 that the thoughts He thinks toward us are for peace and a future. The word peace here can be interpreted as wholeness and completeness. Imagine yourself in the end result where you realize your answered prayer. It is here feeling the success that is the beginning of the operation of faith. You see it, know it, be it and trust God by faith to bring it to pass as you have imagined. Keep confirming your answer in the time following where you met with God and He answered your prayer.

What you experience in your centered point, is seeing yourself in the outcome of the situation that you are desiring. Focusing on utilizing your senses in it. What you see, smell, hear, touch, feel...make it real in that moment. Experience yourself in that state of success. It is a peaceful, happy and calm place. Learn how to change your thinking and practice being in your centered point and see yourself successful.